Monday, June 30, 2008
ROME, June 28 (CNA) - During the homily at the first Vespers of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, in which the Pauline Year was inaugurated, Pope Benedict XVI stressed that Saint Paul is still a “teacher, apostle and herald” to the world today, a saint whose experience of Christ’s love freed him to love God in return.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Orthodox leader says Vatican is a 'key ally' in defense of morality
MOSCOW, June 25 (CNA) - The Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported this week that a top official of the Russian Orthodox Church has called the Vatican its most important ally in the task of protecting the moral values of the Christian religion in the modern world.
International Catholic Organizations conference dissolves to join new NGO forum
PARIS, June 26 (CNA) - The Conference of the International Catholic Organizations, meeting at an extraordinary General Assembly on June 19, has voted to dissolve itself by a vote approved by more than two thirds of its members.
Deal Hudson says Catholics don’t know the real Obama
WASHINGTON DC, June 26 (CNA) - Deal W. Hudson, a Catholic political analyst, has criticized Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, for his stands on abortion and marriage.
Conference to discuss promotion of human life and dignity in the ‘New Evangelization’
WASHINGTON DC, June 26 (CNA) - Pro-life leaders will join physicians, ethicists and experts in family life and social justice issues for a July convocation in Camden, New Jersey to discuss new ways to promote human life and dignity.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Endowment established to continue Tim Russert’s support for Buffalo Catholic schools
BUFFALO, June 19 (CNA) - The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo has created a “Tim Russert Making a Difference Fund” to support Catholic elementary schools. Several winners of the annual Making a Difference Award, which was established by Russert in 2001
Catholic Charities’ affiliate faces possible legal charges for helping teenager obtain abortion
WASHINGTON DC, June 19 (CNA) - A Virginia affiliate of Catholic Charities is being investigated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for helping a 16-year-old Guatemalan girl be fit with a contraceptive device and obtain an abortion, in possible violation of Virginia law and in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Catholic Radio receives boost from Pope Benedict
VATICAN CITY, June 20 (CNA) - Over 100 representatives of Catholic radio from around the world were greeted by Pope Benedict at the Vatican on Friday. Through their broadcasts, Catholic radio stations make it possible for their listeners to open their hearts to Christ, the Pope said.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Cooperation and peace are part of Christian message, Pope recalls
BRINDISI, June 15 (CNA) - Thousands of people prayed the Angelus at midday Sunday with Pope Benedict XVI in the Italian city of Brindisi. The Holy Father told the people that they are true signs of peace – a message which must be spread among nations.
Being a good priest means being a ‘master of prayer,’ Pope says
BRINDISI, June 16 (CNA) - On Sunday evening Pope Benedict wrapped up his weekend visit to the Archdiocese of Brindisi-Ostuni by speaking to a gathering of all the priests, deacons and seminarians of the archdiocese.